Denali Update #2

The Denali Expedition Team arrived in Talkeetna, AL on Friday. The first day they were in Alaska they were awake for 24 hours!

Below are some pictures shared by the team.

Stats for the climbing season

Stats for the climbing season

The weather board

The weather board

A map of Denali

A map of Denali

What to expect on Summit day

What to expect on Summit day

Mounds of gear

Mounds of gear

After a great night's sleep of 10 hours, spirits were lifted and energy restored. They arrived at basecamp on Sunday at 7,800 feet and then headed up higher with gear. Four inches of snow blanketed the camp the first night, but temps climbed quickly to 35 degrees and the sun came out.

They are on their way!!


Denali Update #3


Denali Update #1